Tips to get clients as a freelancer


Freelancing is a great way to make money, but it's not easy. There are many variables that go into successfully finding clients and keeping them happy during their relationship with you.

Making a plan for your business.

  • Make a business plan.

  • Think about your goals and how you will achieve them.

  • Define your target audience.

  • Understand your competitors, what they are doing, how they are doing it and why you might want to compete with them in the future.

  • Create a marketing plan that is specific enough for someone who knows nothing about freelancing but doesn't want to waste money on ads that won't get results (and yes, there's always an exception).

Keep track of your finances

The first step in becoming financially stable is to keep track of your finances. As a freelancer, it's easy to be distracted by other projects or tasks that come up and forget about your money. But if you want to get clients as a freelancer, then it's imperative that you keep track of how much money is coming into your business and what expenses are being made.

If this sounds intimidating at first, don't worry! It's actually pretty simple once you get used to it (and I'll explain why later). First thing's first: organize all the bills in one place so they aren't scattered around everywhere on paper trails everywhere else but where they belong—your calendar! Next up: save up some money for emergencies like car repairs or unexpected medical costs—or even better yet: set aside some cash specifically for these things so there aren't any surprises along the way when something happens unexpectedly which definitely happens sometimes :)

Things to consider when pricing your work.

When pricing your work, you need to consider what the client wants to pay. There are many factors that go into this decision:

  • How much money do you want to make?

  • What is your competition charging for similar services?

  • How long is the project going to take? If it's a one-time thing, then you don't have as much incentive for them to pay more than if it was something where they would need regular help from you in the future (like design work).

  • Is this client on a budget or not? If they don't have a lot of money or resources available, then don't charge them too much! You'll end up alienating yourself and losing potential clients who might otherwise benefit from working with someone who has been successful at getting clients before but doesn't seem like quite as experienced now because their prices have gone up since then (or maybe just because they've become frustrated by being priced out?).

Finding clients on social media.

Finding clients on social media

Finding a client through social media is one of the easiest ways to get started as a freelancer. You can connect with people who are likely to need your services, and then share your work with them. If they're happy with what they see, ask if there's anything else that could help them out! This will lead to more work for both parties, which is always great news for everyone involved.

Network in your personal life.

Social media is a great way to network in your personal life. You can meet people at events, ask for business cards and follow up with them later. If you want to find potential clients, use social media as well.

Find publications and businesses that might need your services.

  • Find publications and businesses that might need your services.

  • As a freelancer, one of the most important things you can do is find publications and businesses that cover your niche. If you're a writer, looking for places to write might be an easier task than if you're an artist or designer who needs help finding clients. However, the same principle applies: just because they don't explicitly say they need help doesn't mean there isn't someone out there who needs what they have to offer! It's also worth checking out what other freelancers are doing too—not only will this give insight into how successful another person has been in their field but also how much work goes into it (and whether or not it's worth pursuing).

Consider learning to code.

  • Why learn to code?

  • What programming languages you should learn?

  • How much will it cost and how long will it take?

  • How do I find a coding bootcamp?

  • How much time will it take to complete the program and what is included in the tuition fee?

There are many ways to market yourself as a freelancer, including online and offline methods.

There are many ways to market yourself as a freelancer, including online and offline methods. You can use social media, your network of contacts and people who know you personally or professionally (such as family), publications that publish freelance articles on a regular basis.

You should also learn the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) so that your website will be found by potential clients when they search for "freelance writers" or similar terms.


As you can see from the tips above, there are many ways to market yourself as a freelancer. Your job is to make sure that you do so in the best possible way for your business. If you are looking for more information about how to get clients as a freelancer, feel free to contact us!