How to get started in freelancing


Freelance work is a great way to make money and gain experience, but it can also be frustrating if you don't know what you're doing. That's why I've put together this guide on how to get started in freelancing!

How to know when you're ready

  • Have you developed a skill that you can offer?

  • Do you have a portfolio of work that shows off your skills, experience and knowledge?

  • Do you have the time and energy to do the work?

  • Are the marketing skills in place to get yourself out there as an expert in your field?

Finding a niche

Finding a niche is the first step toward getting started. You need to know what you're interested in and where your skills lie before you can start searching for clients.

To find your niche, look at what others have done in the same field and see if there's room for improvement on their part or if there are gaps in their knowledge that could be filled by yours. If possible, talk with people who work in similar industries as well as those who do not—you'll learn more about how freelancing works than just from reading about it online!

If all else fails: ask yourself why this would appeal to someone else? Why does another person want me as an employee/client? What makes me better than other freelancers out there right now?"

Building your portfolio

Having a portfolio is the most important thing you can do to get your name out there. It's how people will know that you exist, and it's how they'll find out about the kind of work you can do.

There are lots of ways to build a portfolio, but here are some tips:

  • Include links in every single piece of content that shows off what you can do! If someone clicks on one of those links and learns more about what makes them unique or different, they'll be more likely to hire or recommend someone who has been featured there (and who knows? Maybe even buy from them!).

  • Be relevant—don't just post random stuff from years ago; instead focus on what's going on now and make sure all items relate somehow :)

Networking with other freelancers

Networking is a great way to get started in freelancing, as it can help you find connections and opportunities. Start by reaching out to people you know who are also freelancers. Use social media (e.g., Facebook) to connect with others and ask for help when needed!

If you're a beginner, don't be afraid of asking for advice from other experts on the topic at hand—maybe someone will recommend something related that would be helpful for your business. Look around online communities such as LinkedIn Groups or Quora for people with similar experiences who might have some valuable insight into what works best for others' businesses; these types of groups are likely going through growing pains like any startup company does at first so there may even be opportunities there if someone already has experience working remotely or doing something similar themselves!

Setting your rates

It's important to take the time to set your rates. This will help you determine how much you should charge, which will ultimately make it easier for clients to understand what they are getting.

  • How much should I charge?

The first step is figuring out how much money your time is worth. There's no right answer here; it depends on the project and who else is working on it. If a client wants an estimate without knowing anything about your skillset, this can be difficult because there isn't one specific way of determining value in any given situation.*

  • What do other freelancers charge?

How to get clients

There are a few ways to get clients:

  • You know someone who can help you, so start by approaching them. They might not always be able to pay you, but they'll at least have the opportunity to see if your services are something they need.

  • Find a niche and work on it. If you're good at something (like writing), make sure that's what people will hire you for; otherwise, don't waste time trying to find clients!

  • Create a website and social media presence where potential clients can find out more about you and contact their own contacts with one click through LinkedIn or Twitter (if applicable). This helps build up credibility quickly—and even if it doesn't lead directly into getting paid gigs right away, it will give prospective clients confidence in hiring someone new when need arises later down the line."

There is always something new to learn, and the best way to start is by simply starting

There is always something new to learn, and the best way to start is by simply starting.

The first step in becoming a freelancer is learning the basics of how things work. The next step is getting a mentor who will help you navigate the waters of this new world of work for yourself. You can find mentors by reaching out to colleagues who have been there before and asking them if they would be willing-but not obliged-to help guide you along your path as an independent worker


In conclusion, freelancing is a great way to earn money on the side and have control over your own schedule. There are many different types of projects that can be completed online via various platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer and If you're looking for something specific then there are thousands of opportunities out there waiting for you!